Meet my another designer crush,Minju Kim,a Belgia based Korean designer. She's the winner of H&M Designer Award 2013 and her collection "Dear My Friend" was presented during Stockholm Fashion Week on January 2013. She also got €50.000 as the prize and her collection will be sold at certain H&M stores worldwide. Wow.
So let's talk about the "Dear My Friend" collection. I LOVE EVERYTHING IN IT. Seeing her collection just somehow makes me happy. Maybe because of those pastel colours which indicate the young and playful spirit and the 60s sleeves... just perfect!! Also the helmet idea is so out of the box. It almost looks like a mask if you see it more strictly and those helmets kind of represent different characters of people. She's crazy.
Can you see the unusual scallop on the skirt below?
Can you see the unusual scallop on the skirt below?
Look at all these fabrics and details... *dying*
And don't even make me start talking about the shoes...
Ok I know I have to end this post because it's already long enough,haha. Below is my favorite piece of pinafore. Yellow and glossy... could it be leather? Well,nothing much else to say except I love this collection and I adore Minju Kim!!
Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy this post and get inspired. See you later!! :)
source : here,here,here,here and here
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